So I have finally cracked under the pressure and separated my blog into a few different parts in the hopes of making this thing easier to load. Below you will find a few different categories for your viewing pleasure. I plan on adding most of my older posts into these different sections as the page starts to slow down or get to big, so you will always have access to the images. I have also added some of my other blogs on here for your viewing enjoyment. You’ll find adventures from not so sane people that travel through the vastness of the cosmos, hot women in
metal dresses and other interesting, non conventional attire. You’ll see just what thousands and thousand of hand made swirls look like on my kitchen floor. You will also have access to all the other stuff that doesn’t fall into musical sculpture or insane metal fashions that I very loosely call art. There are videos with music and sound clips of some of the instruments, a bit of T.V footage of yours truly hamming it up. Secret little hidden images are everywhere as well so keep your eyes peeled you might find something interesting. I hope you like what you see, and I look forward to your feedback or comments. Love Iner.
Music from Greece about the Middle-Eastern instrument Oud or Ud, or Lute.
A web site about the Middle-Eastern musical instrument Oud, or Ud, Lute, with Nikos Dimitriadis, from Greece, who gives descriptions and plays various improvisations (Taqasims)
Best Regards
Nikos Dimitriadis
This is one of the most intersesting and inspiring sites I have seen recently
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