I know bluey isn’t a word, and I know that I will hear this from many people so lets get this straight right now, Bluey is his name.
This here instrument is another of the Excess Space Baggage series that I have been working on for a few weeks now, and Old Bluey has to be the most complex of the instruments I have built in this series.
The body is a casing for an old security camera that the kind folks at my local video store 724 Movies and More gave me a few months back. There were three casings in total; unfortunately one was destroyed in the attempted construction of the instrument you see before you.
I laid the frets out in a ukulele kind of way, but unfortunately my gal Jen has informed me that my G chord is off. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, well lets just say I would have about seven cents by now. Anyway, I think I have discovered what the problem is; one of my frets is just slightly on a angle which is causing it to sound out of tune. I could rebuild the neck, but in reality I think a second instrument might have to be made. There’s just something about going back to a piece I’ve finished that just rubs me the wrong way. My biggest regret is that the instrument sounds amazing. Who knows, I may just have to revise that whole not going back theory I have with art. Time will tell.
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