This is a collection of instruments that I have been building since the year 2000. Some of them are functional, some just plain suck. I will give a quick description of how they are constructed and how successful they are (or not). I have also figured out how to add audio and video directly to my blog. Some of it will be press, some of it will be from jams or live shows, and some of it will just be plain silly. love iner.
Nifty. Are you using regular fretwire?
no sir. I am just using bits of galvanized steel I have lying around. I did just purchase some and I am looking forward to trying it out.
You're a genius. I've recently developed a love for and a participation in the hobby you have perfected. I have made several drums, mostly using cardboard tubes and balloons, then found that glass vases and ceramics work better.
You're a bit of an inspiration. I finished my first stringed instrument on Friday at 3 in the morning, because I looked at it and it looked at me and we decided this dorm was in fact big enough for the both of us, and so I finished the bloody thing. It's pretty much the top half of a guitar, on a slightly smaller scale, and it makes my girlfriend look at me funny.
Having said all that it appears I should get my own blog. I just wanted you to know that your work is inspiring, contagious, and wonderfully odd.
--Matt (arnsdorfm@berea.edu)
PS: I have three giant eight-foot tall cardboard tubes with a diameter of about four inches that I won't be doing anything with. Unless you want them or someone else sees this and wants them they will be reincarnated after recycling probably as a pencil or vegan food or something.
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