Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Raga and the Drone

there aren’t 16 months in a year, but when a place has free wall spaceHow crazy is this? In my mad rush to get shows hung this year I totally forgot to create a blog for this instrument and the one below. For some crazy mixed up reason I have had a show booked for every month of the year in 2006 in either a bar, gallery or restaurant. I have done 14 shows so far and still have two months in the year left. Yes I know I have to take it. The studio where I have been recording is packed full of my stuff, and the place I Jam at is full as well. There’s only so much wall space here and trust me, it fills up quickly. I guess the point I’m making is that sometimes one or two things get forgotten about, never left behind, but never really acknowledged. I don’t really even know how the instrument sounds; when I brought it down for a showing the varnish was still a bit tacky. (This would be the place where a funny person would say all my instruments are tacky)

The idea for the instrument was really to follow up on my droning obsessions, with four strings on the fretless neck, one sitting just above the neck, and one on a neck all to itself ala the single string. I had great ambitions for this one, unfortunately none of them where ever realized. Now it hangs in an old smoking room newly renovated into a non-smoking room up at Mitzi’s Sister. They have given me the room to do with what I will and as I write this I am thinking to myself performance space. I’ve done it in the past so why not revise the idea and do it again.

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